First-timers Guide
What You Need to Know Before Your First Lagree Class
What to Expect
Lagree is a unique, low-impact workout that combines strength, cardio, and endurance, with movements done slowly and deliberately. Expect to feel your muscles working in a whole new way! It’s normal to feel shaky—that’s a sign of muscle activation and progress. Don’t worry that you don’t know all the moves, no one’s does. Your instructor will be there to assist you have a successful class.
Class Length
Each class is 45 minutes.
Arrive Early
For your first class, please arrive at least 10 minutes early. This gives us time to get you settled and give a quick intro to the equipment.
Eat Before Class
It’s important to fuel up before class! Avoid coming on an empty stomach, especially if you’ve only had coffee or caffeine. While Lagree movements are slow, your heart rate will increase, and an empty stomach could make you feel lightheaded or nauseous. A light snack an hour before is ideal.
No Shoes Required
The Mini Pro is a no-shoes machine. Please wear sticky socks to keep stable and safe on the equipment. If you don’t have sticky socks, no worries—pairs are available for purchase at the studio.
Bring Only Essentials
Space is limited, so it’s best to leave personal belongings in your car and bring just your keys and wallet. These items can be stored under your machine during class.
We have two bathrooms, but no showers at this time. Plan accordingly!
Stay Hydrated
Bring a water bottle to keep beside your machine so you can stay refreshed throughout the workout.
Dress Comfortably
Wear stretchy, breathable layers. Lagree is intense, so you may want to remove outer layers as you warm up.